United we act.
The Scuola Normale and its students, and more: FAcT is created and organized by many people.
By you too, if you want.
fActors: those who make FAcT
FAcT arose from the insight and passion of some students of the Scuola Normale. In order to support and organize the Festival and its activities, an association named fActors was created, with the aim of promoting culture and theatre in Pisa and beyond.
The association is open to everybody: everyone can join, and become part of FAcT’s world and network.
fActors was created to bring new roads among existing entities which still do not communicate enough: now everyone can give us a hand building them.

I believe there are
more places than roads.
Gianni Rodari, Fairy tales on the phone
Give us a hand creating FAcT.
The association
fActors is a non-profit association with cultural, educational, and recreational aims. It is run by a board, partly elected by the students of the Scuola Normale. Every member has the right to vote, and to contribute to the design and the organization of FAcT.
The Scuola Normale
fActors is hosted at the Scuola Normale, in Pisa, Piazza dei Cavalieri. The idea of FAcT was born at the SNS, and the founding members of fActors are ‘normalisti’. The Scuola is actively involved in the organization of the Festival, through its best structures and resources.
fActors goes to town
FAcT is held in Pisa. The city does not just provide the setting, but is a decisive partner: the municipality of Pisa provides the events of the Festival with some fundamental structures. Moreover, many civic institutions contribute generously to the Festival.
Learn and have fun:
fActors for schools
Let’s grow up together
fActors cooperates with Pisa highschool “Liceo classico G. Galilei” in the education of its students: through specific internships the association hosts some students of the Liceo, involving them in all the aspects of creating a big event (from the website to every part of the Festival).
Moreover, the Liceo is directly involved in the programme of the Festival, with performances and workshops. A different way to learn, grow up, and have fun.
fActors is looking for new partners: new schools to work with throughout the year.