Will you give us a hand?
Anyone who wants can join fActors, the association of all the friends who work together for FAcT.
Joining is easy.
FAcT: behind the scenes
FAcT, as any theatrical experience, can only work if besides the stage and , someone is also working behind the scenes. There we are: this is where we stand, and there’s plenty of room for anyone interested in joining. To build a great theatre network we start from you.
Those who are part of fActors are, first of all, those who want to contribute personally to the realization of the festival and its activities. They pay a 10€-membership, and take active part in every decision needed to build FAcT.
Each member of fActors can take part in the conception of FAcT: everyone is admitted to the Assemblies of the Association, and can be elected in its Board of Directors.
Give a hand
Are you a member eager to roll up your sleeves? Give us a hand in organizing FAcT: managing its events, providing technical support, taking care of accommodation, public relations…
Any doubts?
Read the Statute and the articles of association to get to know precisely the prerogatives of members and how fActors works.
Can we count on you?
Click here to join: we just need to know few things.
Later, you will be able to make your membership contribution (10€).