Sharing to know each other.
The Estates General of Academic Theatre at the Scuola Normale:
a place for sharing.
The network of FAcT grows strong.
A conference open to the world
The first goal of FAcT is to offer to all university theatre groups a platform for knowing each other and sharing experiences, practices, ideas. That’s why the festival comes together with an international conference, the Estates General of Academic Theatre.
Gathering the academic practitioners from all over Europe, the Estates General undertake the challenge of collecting the best theatrical experiences born within universities, with the aim of building a European network. Theoretical reflection and actual practice mix up in a collective narration.
Theories and practices of academic theatre in Europe

Luca D'Onghia
Luca D’Onghia is professor of History of the Italian Language at the Scuola Normale Superiore, where he graduated with Alfredo Stussi and started his career as a researcher. He also taught classes at Potenza, Pisa, Venice, Pavia, and Lausanne.

Emma Dante
Emma Dante is one of Italy’s most important theatre directors. She was awarded the Ubu prize (2002) and the Lo Straniero prize (2001). She staged dramas at the Piccolo Teatro Strehler in Milan, the Greek Theatre in Siracusa, and the Teatro alla Scala in Milan.

Fiona Macintosh
Fiona Macintosh is professor of Classical Reception at the University of Oxford, where she is the director of the APGRD (Archive for the Performance of Greek and Roman Drama), and the curator of the Ioannou Centre.

Margherita Rubino
Margherita Rubino is professor of Ancient theatre and drama and of Traditions of Greek and Latin theatre at the University of Genoa. She is a member of the Advisory Board of the INDA (Istituto Nazionale del Dramma Antico) in Siracusa.

Eva Marinai
Eva Marinai is researcher in Theatre Studies at the University of Pisa, where she teaches the Methods of Performative Arts and the History of Theatre.

Piermario Vescovo
Piermario Vescovo is professor of Theatre Studies at the University Ca’ Foscari in Venice. He is the author of some of the most relevant recent studies on Carlo Goldoni. He is joint-director of the Rivista di letteratura teatrale.

Daniele Vianello
Daniele Vianello is professor of Theatre Studies at the University of Calabria, where he organizes a theatre laboratory open to all the students.