Pisa Calling!
To participate in FAcT 2020
you just have to answer our call.
FAcT is open to all.
Apply to FAcT – Festival of Academic Theatre
on behalf of the Theatre Group of the Scuola Normale Superiore and the fActors Ente di terzo settore ( third sector Association), we invite you to send us your proposals for participation in the third edition of FAcT, Festival of Academic Theatre.
Organized by fActors in collaboration with the Scuola Normale Superiore, the FAcT festival has for the last three years brought together university theatre companies from all over Europe: the aim of the festival and of the association is to create and expand a dynamic international network among academic theatre companies in order to encourage collaboration and mutual exchange.
Where and when
FAcT 2020 will be held in Pisa on 9-10-11 June 2020 and will include a total of 6 performances, held on two different stages in the city centre. The performances will be judged by the public, and the winner will participate in the next edition (2021) of the festival.
In 2020, FAcT will host the performances of the 4 companies selected through this announcement, together with the performance of the “home” team, the Theatre Group of the Scuola Normale, and the group that won during the 2019 festival: GOLKK Theatre Company.
In addition to the rich series of shows, FAcT intends to promote a series of workshops open to all interested parties: the aim is to create a platform where every company can share its own practices and methods.
In addition to your own show you can therefore suggest a theatrical / training activity to be organized – with our help and support – during one of the 3 days of the festival.
We will be happy to host the selected companies in hotels in the city centre, up to a maximum of 12 members per company for 4 nights. Travel expenses, however, will not be covered. For insurance purposes, we will require you to subscribe to the fActors association, (10 euros per person, validity one year).
The primary purpose of the Festival is the creation of a network of theatre companies: for each participating company, we therefore set up a private section on our website, where we publish history, photographs, videos and contacts.
ReAcT and the Estates General
Driven by the intention to expand and strengthen the contacts established in past years, the fActors association has committed itself not only to organizing the festival but also to promoting a theatrical research group at the Scuola Normale, called ReAcT.
As in 2019, the 2020 edition of FAcT will be opened on Jun. 8 by an annual international conference, specifically devoted to academic theatre and university companies (The Estates General of Academic Theatre, the 2020 call for which will soon be released).
We hope you will want to join the FAcT family!
To participate in the call, please follow the instructions below and send us all the information requested
by 29/02/2020.
How to participate
Please send the following information and materials to fact@sns.it by 29/02/2020
- Your company name and official email contact
- Brief history of the company (max 250 words) and description of the most significant experiences and / or activities
- Number of participants in the festival (please note that expenses will be covered for a maximum of 12 participants per company)
- Number of nights you want to spend in Pisa: although your show will be scheduled during one of the three days of the festival, it is preferable – and in line with the intent of the festival itself – that each participating company attend at least some of the shows of the other groups. The desirable minimum number of nights is therefore 2; the maximum (covered by us) is 4.
- Title and brief description of the show you would like to present at the festival
- Photos, videos and / or links related to the proposed show
- Technical Data Sheet (if possible) of the show or information on staging needs:
- number of actors
- minimum and maximum dimensions of the stage
- special needs regarding lights / microphones
- special set-up needs (batten, grid, rod, pipe etc.) that you really cannot do without
- Copyrighted materials that you really cannot do without
- (OPTIONAL) Title and short presentation of the workshop that you would like to hold during the festival days
- (OPTIONAL) Photos, videos or links related to the workshop or to similar events already held by you
The selection of the competing shows will be carried out by the members of the fActors board of directors, under the guidance of the festival’s artistic director, Alessandro Maggi.
The results of the selection will be made known no later than 10 March 2020 to the contact address provided in the application.
Among the applications received, priority will be given to:
- companies with direct affiliation to a university (Italian or non-Italian);
- companies whose members include at least 2/3 (two thirds) of students enrolled in the university of reference;
- companies that have never participated in FAcT.
The FAcT board of directors reserves the right to fill vacancies through direct invitations.
All applications will have to be sent, by 29/02/2020, to the email address fact@sns.it.
For any request, please send an email to fact@sns.it.